About Bards

Nina Runa Essendrop
Artist, Larp Designer, Denmark
Danish artist and larp designer with a masters degree in Theater, Dance and Performance Studies. She has a strong focus on movement, sensory experiences and the meaning of physical action.

Olena Rosstalna
Artistic and stage director of Youth Drama Theatre “AmaTea” (Chernihiv, Ukraine), actress, drama facilitator, PhD and assistant professor.

Sveinung Nygaard
Norwegian composer, with MA in Audio Production from University of Westminster. He has composed music for world handball championship in Qatar, the TV series Freej in Dubai and has his own musical project called FLYT which explores how music can unite a mosaic of cultures.

Roy Petersen
Film director, editor and producer. has a wide range of experiences in his locker, is an expert in lateral thinking and left field ideas and vision. He is currently a teacher in Educational Media Design & Production at William & Mary and leading an army of doodle armies for the betterment of the world.

Markus Göransson
Markus is a music producer and a freelance educator. He has produced double platina selling pop songs and is a music composer for stop motion team ‘Don’t stop the motion”. He also holds courses for University and higher vocational education in Life cycle assessment, as well as workshops in sustainable development for businesses.